Curing the Male Yeast Infection

Yeast infections happen.  While men are generally at a lower risk of developing a yeast infection than women are, these infections are no less bothersome.

Yeast infections in men manifest themselves in a variety of ways.  Sometimes they appear as thrush in the mouth.  Other times it appears on our around the genitals.  And sometimes yeast infections don’t “appear” but can exist for a long time in the gut, slowing the digestive system and causing a host of random, hard to diagnose systems.

As we discuss ways that you can treat your infection, I really want to remind you to seek professional help.

Let’s face it, we men are bad about getting help when we need it.  Don’t hesitate getting medical advice and beating your yeast infection the first time around -- especially considering that yeast infections may be related to some sinister underlying condition.

Treatment Options For Yeast Infections

Remove Causitive Agents

There are many, many reasons why you may have gotten a yeast infection. We all have a little yeast growth on us, but our natural flora typically keeps it in check.  Here are a few top reasons why it might get out of hand.

  • Antibiotics. If you have undergone a course of antibitotics, your natural flora has likely been decreased, possibly allowing room for the yeast overgrowth.  A healthy dose of probiotics such as yogurt and keifer are probably in order.
  • Diabetes.  Yeast love sugar.  And, if diabetes is not being carefully managed, it will cause the body to produce a lot of extra sugar for the yeast to feed on. Controlling the diabetes helps to also get the yeast under control.
  • Sexual Intercourse.  Some cases, yeast infections can be spread sexually.  Also worth noting is that the spermicide nonoxynol-9, while able to kill the HIV virus in a test tube, has been anectdotally linked to an increase in recurrent yeast infections. (Because of the commercial marketability of nonoxynol-9 there has not been a lot of studies done into its potential downsides.)

Common Treatment Options

Genetian Violet (also called Crystal Violet or pyoctanin) is an excellent chemical for killing all types of fungal infections. In fact, it is one of the primary treatments for thrush today.  The biggest hassle with genetian violet is that it stains anything it comes in contact with. Don’t worry though, its effect on skin is temporary. Genetian Violet can be bought at Amazon without a prescription.

Monistat (Or Miconazole) is used for athlete’s foot, jock itch, and yes, yeast infections.  It is an over the counter yeast infection cure, and is the primary drug used by women combating yeast infections.  However, as a cream, it can be harder to get it into the tip of the penis, and may not be the best option.  That said, it is a well-proven drug for women’s yeast infections. Monistat on Amazon

Vagisil is another over-the-counter drug targeted to women.  Will it work for men?  To be honest, the products are so carefully targeted for women, and the cream so thick, it is hard to see how it could help much with a serious yeast infection.  However, it does have some nice, anti-itching benefits to it, so it might be worth a try to see if it can relieve the symptoms and possibly help a yeast infection. Vagisil on Amazon.

Lotramin is most often associated with treating jock itch and athletes foot, Lotramin is a great first-defense way to try to treat itching around the penis.  It is easy to get ahold of and can be applied around the tip of the penis.  Plus, it is very effective at stopping itching.  Click here for the lowest priced Lotramin on the internet.

Household Treatment Ideas

Apple Cider Vinegar is stated to cure well, just about everything.  There is not much direct evidence of how it helps kick a yeast infection, but, if you want to give it try, mix 2-3 tablespoons of it into some water and swig it down.  It’s gotta’ be good for something. Heck, if nothing else, I hear it works great for re-balancing the pH of the body. Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar is considered the best. I find it a little chunky... its definitely more natural than the other stuff out there. Plus, Amazon has it really cheap. Click here to see.

Cranberry has polyphenols in it that have been linked with the ability to help treat things like UTI’s and Yeast infections.  It makes sense to grab some cranberry pills and let them help heal you from the inside out. Click here for a top reviewed one from Amazon. (Since we its been reviewed by women, we know its good. They're experts on all things cranberry, right?)

Oregano Oil is another one of those “miracle cures” that has been linked to just about everything.  However, unlike apple cider vinegar, there are more studies to back up its efficacy in killing fungus, bacteria and even viruses.  I have taken it orally once when I had a cold and noticed immediate improvement in my symptoms.  You may wish to dilute it in some olive oil before applying it to your penis to help prevent burning.  You can also get oregano in pill form and take them to help supplement your internal health. Click here to price Oregano Oil on Amazon

Garlic is another power anti-yeast agent and can be used to help eliminate yeast from the system. In fact, adding garlic to bread during before it is baked can kill the yeast in bread and flatten the loaf! You might try it as a pill along with the other treatments you are doing to help reduce the growth of unhealthy flora. I personally use Kyolic garlic for it cardiovascular-enhancing benefits, as well as its mild taste (even in pill form some brands of garlic can leave you an, ahem, odour.) Click here to see Kyolic Garlic on Amazon.

Yogurt or other probiotic supplements such as kefir are a must to help prevent recurring yeast infections.  These probiotics can help restore the balance to the body and are a great way to help prevent future yeast infections. Click here to see top probiotic supplements on Amazon.

Yeast infections go deeper than you can see and leave lasting effects that the body will constantly struggle to overcome -- meaning that you get sick more often and feel constantly lethargic.  If you are serious about regaining your true health and pre-yeast infection vitality you need to check out doing a yeast infection cleanse. Yeast Infection No More gets to the root of yeast infections and helps you not only eliminate yeast infections once and for all, but establish a healthy, balanced natural flora in your gut -- letting your digestive system work the way nature intended!