How Can A Man Get A Yeast Infection?

There are several factors that can go into how a guy can get a yeast infection:

Yeast is everywhere: Yep, on your skin, in your crotch.  The nice thing is that your body normally functions well, so that it can never get a chance to grow and cause problems. However, if the "good bacteria" start to die off, well, then, you have problems.

Antibiotics: Yeast love growing anywhere there isn't enough healthy bacteria crowding them out.  Unfortunately, the large dose of anitbiotics that we Americans constantly consume are the perfect tool for clearing large swatches of warm, inner spaces perfect for yeast's habitat.  Rebuilding the body's natural defenses with things bacteria like acidolphilus is a great way to help keep yeast infections at bay.

Sexual Transmission: Since yeast loves dark, warm spaces, its not uncommon for it to grow in our most private parts.  And for us to share it amongst our dearest companions.  Sad, but true. It is not the only way that yeast can be spread, but could be something to investigate further if reoccuring yeast infections become a problem.

Diabetes: Yeast love sugar.  If the body cannot process sugar, it may very well be storing that in easy-to-reach areas for yeast o thrive on.  Additionally, one should think twice about consuming large amounts of sugar. It's pretty sickening to realize just how much sugar we tend to eat.

As you can see, yeast isn't cool, and is all too easy to contract -- especially if your body isn't as healthy as it should be.

To fight a yeast infection you need a healthy body. Yeast Infection No More is a holistic guide to restoring your resistance to your entire immune system