Male Yeast Infection Symptoms

Unfortunately, men can get yeast infections in their genitals, in the same manner that women can.

Unlike women, however, the anatomical differences can make it harder to discover the infection, must less treat it.  In fact, a man's yeast infection is often diagnosed by the reoccurring infection in their partner.

However, just because your partner has a yeast infection does not mean that you do.  Typically, yeast infections are found in people who have a lowered immune response -- most often from prolonged used of antibiotics or in conjuction with another condition such as HIV/AIDS.

Yeast Infection No More - The complete guide to eradicating any 
type of yeast infection and restoring health and strength.

Long-ignored yeast infections may show some clear signs, however.

  • Reddish rash
  • Raised bumps on head of penis
  • Itching or burning
  • Discharge from tip of penis (rare)

If you have a long-running yeast infection, it may also be permeating the flora of the digestive tract.  Once there, it interrupts your body's ability to absorb nutrients and  slows down your body's ability to rejuvenate, further increasing your susceptibility to disease and possibly causing other symptoms such as:

  • Constant Tiredness and Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Digestive Pain
  • Constant Muscle Aches
  • Acne or Rosacea
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Constipation
  • Food Allergies
  • Craving For Carbohydrates (This is a big one!)
Yes, yeast infections are smart enough to manipulate your body and influence what you eat.  This further protects its environment and helps it establish itself even more securely in your body. 

Listen, this stuff isn't fun.  But just like that paunch covering your rock-hard abs, it isn't leaving your body anytime soon unless you take action.

Yeast Infection No More - Kickin' yeast infections to the sidewalk.